
Training Module 3: Video Tools and Final Cut Pro

Page history last edited by Baynard 15 years, 11 months ago

A. Training Assignment:

1. In Final Cut, edit a 30 second (or longer) video that includes:

  • text over black
  • text over video
  • a cross dissolve transition
  • a sound effect
  • background music

2. Export your movie as a web-friendly quicktime file.

3. Upload it to vspace.

4. Email me the link.

5. Save the file as you'll need it for part four.


B. Helping Patrons with Video Questions 

Please watch this intro to the video training module.

It talks about the resources we have and how to steer people in the right direction. 

Video Training Module Intro from Baynard on Vimeo.


C. Final Cut Pro Training



or you can download them: Download the Practice Files

Practice footage was created during an American Culture class.

The students were taking a tongue in cheek look at Dr. Drew. None of the bad things depicted are real.


1. Getting setup in Final Cut Pro

FCP Training 01 - Setup from Baynard on Vimeo.


2. Organizing Your Media

FCP Training 02 Organizing from Baynard on Vimeo.


3. FCP Training 03 - Creating a Text Title Sequence

FCP Training 03 Title Text from Baynard on Vimeo.


4. FCP Training 04 - Three Point Edit

FCP Training 04 Three Point Edit from Baynard on Vimeo.


5. Adding Images to a B roll track

FCP Training 05 Adding Images from Baynard on Vimeo.


6. FCP Training 06 Adding Audio

FCP Training 06 Adding Audio from Baynard on Vimeo.

7. FCP Training 07 Text Over Video and Cross Dissolves

FCP Training 07 Text Over Video and Cross Dissolves from Baynard on Vimeo.


8. FCP Training 08 Exporting

FCP Training 08 Exporting from Baynard on Vimeo.


D. Training Assignment:

1. In Final Cut, edit a 30 second (or longer) video that includes:

  • text over black
  • text over video
  • a cross dissolve transition
  • a sound effect
  • background music

2. Export your movie as a web-friendly quicktime file.

3. Upload it to vspace.

4. Email me the link.

5. Save the file as you'll need it for part four. 


If you've done a video in FCP previously, you can substitute it, of course. Please make sure you do watch the intro though, thanks.

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